Prairie Light

Prairie Light from Field Song, out 8/9

Visiting a remnant prairie is sacred. There is so little prairie left that these small parcels of untilled earth are nothing short of miraculous. It was in one of these remnants at Koester Prairie that I recorded Prairie Light.

The song sings of the magic of these places, but most importantly of their antiquity. Soil that developed over thousands of years holds untold life, and that life holds the memory of what once was. To return to this place is to remember this land, its true face, and to remember what has passed away. The prairie was broken and reduced to less than 1% of its original size over 200 years – what will its future be?

Prairie Light – Koester Prairie Wildlife Management Area, MN – 7-5-23
Spring Field Cricket, Common Yellowthroat, Clay-colored Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Henslow’s Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, American Goldfinch

“golden light gently falling
on this dauntless field”


newmusic #fieldsong #fieldrecording #voice #nagra #meadowlark #sparrow #cricket #sunlight #sunset #prairie #mn

This video was taken at Koester Prairie in early May.