Rest from Field Song

Rest was recorded in a rich riparian forest at Miesville Ravine Park Preserve. The clicks you hear are the katydids, and the more noticeable pitched chirps are mole crickets. The lullaby is about late summer, when the winds begin to cool, the insect chorus takes shape, and the later wildflowers bloom. You can now listen to Rest in its entirety or purchase it on bandcamp.

“when the voice of the katydids floods the air / and gentian blooms with the ripening heads of bluestem”

Miesville Ravine Park Preserve, MN – 7-30-23
Oblong-winged Katydid, Carolina Ground Cricket, Northern Mole Cricket


newmusic #fieldsong #fieldrecording #voice #bell #crickets #katydids #insect #NAGRA #tape