Selected Ecotones

Selected Ecotones is a collection of instrumental pieces I recorded between 2022 and 2023. For each track, I sat down with an instrument or two and a cassette recorder and improvised.

An ecotone is a transitional area where two or more distinct biological communities meet. They are often highly biodiverse, and they may contain species that only exist in the conditions created by the transition. When performing Field Song live, I use these pieces as transitional music while I switch out tape loops, creating a sort of “sonic ecotone” between the soundscapes.

I have long loved music that is measured in its dramatic arc, music that seems to cycle around itself while either slowly moving or staying in one place. This music aims to do exactly that. I hope it brings you some peace and enjoyment.

Selected Ecotones is out August 9th digitally and on cassette. The cassettes are professionally dubbed and housed in hand-embossed paper o-cards in olive or cement colors. Listen to “#11” and “#2” and preorder now on Bandcamp.

#newmusic #selectedecotones #ambient #tape #cassette #tascam #flute #clarinet #organ #woodwinds